Friday, March 23, 2012

Quote of Week

Sorry I was a little late on this week's quote! Here is this weeks quote and enjoy the rest of week! :)
Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn. ~Quoted by Lewis Grizzard in Kathy Sue Loudermilk, I Love You

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cheer Already!

Yes I know what your thinking cheer doesn't start till next year, but not for us. We already had cheer tryouts for next year, and I tried out for both football and basketball cheer! Well with 12 girls trying out I thought that I would have no chance making it! Oh boy was I wrong! I made both basketball and football cheer! I am so excited and cannot wait to get started with my cheerleading duties. We will have fundraisers to raise money for new uniform, and get things ready for next year. I am sooooo excited!!! Thanks again for reading my blog, and have a great rest of your week. I know I will!!!

Spring Break!

Well this year spring break is a week late for Chester. Wednesday was the first day of spring break, and we would get the rest of the week off. YAY!!! We have spent most of our break outside working on getting things ready for spring. We get the ponies out, we play in the warm sun, and we help dad! We stay outside until dark, literally we don't usually eat dinner until 8:00. So our break is well spent, and I will enjoy the rest of my break!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hello people with computers!! Thanks soooo much for reading my blog! Here is this weeks quote! Have a great rest of your week!
St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. ~Adrienne Cook

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hey guys!!! I am sooo proud of myself for keeping up with posting! Here is this weeks quote of the week. I hope you all are enjoying this beautiful weather, and have a great rest of the week!

By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturdays on the Farm

Hey everybody! How’s it going? I hope you all are well. Yesterday was just like any other Saturday on the farm, and I would like to share with you what we did yesterday! The day started out usual we have to eat breakfast quick and then head outside to see what we were going to do that day. We found out that we had to bed the cattle, and then eat lunch, and then we would work cattle. We usually bed cattle on Saturdays so this wasn't a surprise, besides we only had to bed 3 of the 6 pens because they had bedded some of the pens on Friday. Then while we were bedding we noticed that Cody had ditched the sweet water truck and was driving the Manito fast down to the outside pens. Before we knew it dad had also disappeared, then we knew something was going on. Joel had stopped the tractor and ran to see what was going on. He came back and we resumed bedding cattle. Turns out a heifer had fallen upside down into one of the sweet water tanks!!! SCARY!! Yes the heifer survived, thanks to Cody. After we were done bedding we headed inside for lunch, because of course everyone has to eat lunch! Then after lunch we headed back outside to work cattle. We had 500 head to work, but thankfully they had worked half of them Friday. First we had to work some sick ones that needed a re-treat, then after that we brought in the cattle. We take about 7-10 head at a time, and we take them into what we call a "tub". Which is a round pen, and we push them one by one in a little corridor which is hooked to the chute. The corridor fits about 3 cows, and makes them stand single file so we can pour them with lice repellent. Pouring the pour-on is my job, usually. Then one by one they enter the chute to get whatever they need. In this case, they need three shot. Ouch! Then they are released and that is repeated until every one of the cows is done. Then we usually bring them down to the pen, but in this case there pen was not cleaned out yet so we kept them up there. Oh yea, I didn't mention that we had a couple of bulls that needed a little treatment of their own. GROSS! That usually concludes a usual Saturday at the farm. I would like to thank all of my readers for reading my post, I really do appreciate that! Have a great rest of your week.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Chester Middle School Presents: Goldilocks on Trial

This year the Chester Middle School Present Goldilocks on Trial. Yes you know that old bed time story about the girl that was found in the bears house. Well now she is being sued for it! I played Goldilocks lawyer Ms. Wombat, and Ethan was Papa Bear. We performed the play on Thursday March 1 to Pre-k through the 8th grade. the play was very funny and was for young kids as well as adults. Here are some pictures of the play.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Quote of the Week

Ok I am very proud of how good I am keeping up on posting on my blog! Here is this weeks quote. Have a great rest of the week!
All art requires courage. ~Anne Tucker