Saturday, April 28, 2012

Quote of the Week

Sorry I am a little late for this one. I have been busy for the past week with planting underway. Here is this weeks quote.
A good book has no ending. ~R.D. Cumming

Finally Our First Track Meet!

We just had our first track meet at Garretson on Thursday. Garretson had canceled their track meet a couple of weeks ago and decide to reschedule it for last Thursday. It was a decent day for a track meet, it was not very cold but not very hot. It was kinda windy but not very windy, and that was great for hurdles. Yes i did run hurdles and long jump just like last year, and I did good enough for our first track meet. Chester did very good for our first track meet also, we got first at the track meet. I placed in both of my events, getting 6th in long jump and 5th in hurdles. Our next track meet is also a rescheduled track meet at Chester on Monday. Wish me luck!!:)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

No Track Meets?

Yup that is right we have had 0 out of the 3 we were suppose to have this year! April 12 Siouxvalley was suppose to have a track meet but it was raining and cold. So they canceled, but it was alright with me because I didn't want to have to long jump in those wet pits! The same thing happen to our track meet that was suppose to be last Monday, and the Garretson track meet that was suppose to be Thursday. I really hate having to pack lots of stuff for a track meet and then end up not having any. Now our next track meet isn't till the 30th so that will give us a lot of time to practice. It just seems to rain every time we try to have a track meet. So my dad always asks us when our next track meet is so he will know when it is going to rain next :). Personally, I just think that our track meets are cursed, but I hope that we will at least get one nice day for a track meet. Thanks for reading my blog and have a great day! :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quote of the Week

We have had three track meets canceled already!! Well we don't have another track meet for a week and I am just going to cross my fingers for this one! :) Have a great rest of your week and here is this weeks quote.
Close your eyes and see the beauty. ~Author Unknown

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hey everybody hows life?! I hope you all had a fun and safe weekend. I had a great weekend, but I wish that school didn't come so soon. Anyway here is this weeks quote have a great rest of your week.
I am thankful for laughter,except when milk comes out of my nose ~Woody Allen

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Break

Hey everyone what is going on! I hope that everyone had a great easter break! I did, and this is how it all went down. Friday was the first day of our break. That day just hung out and that night we died Easter eggs. Saturday we cleaned, and I hide the Easter eggs we died in the yard and ethan and kaylor had to find them. Sunday was Easter and we ate a big breakfast and that night we went to my grandma and grandpa's house to see my new cousin Eli. Sunday night the Krush gang came and stayed at our house. Monday morning we had another big breakfast again! Our visitors stayed for a bit then had to head back to Fargo:( I would just like to thank them for choosing The Geraets Inn as your home away from home. That is the end of my spring break and school starts again :(

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Quote of the Week

Sorry!!!! I am so disapointed in myself for not posting in a while! Here is this weeks quote of the week and have a great Easter weekend! :)
Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. ~S.D. Gordon