Monday, July 9, 2012

People (even animals) come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime

You pry all know the phrase "people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime" well instead of a person it was an animal. It all started on the morning of the 4th of July (by the way happy belated 4th of July) when a cow caught the eye of my dad while he was feeding. A heifer was not getting up to eat, so my dad went in there to get her up and she wouldn't. When she would try to get up she would kick her legs straight behind her, and dad had to bring her up in the loader. While having breakfast dad told me that she needed some TLC and asked if I could work some "magic" on her to get her to stand up. I went to go see her and immediately I felt like I needed to do something to help her. She was breathing hard and was in a lot of pain. So I gave her some water in a bucket and she was not used to drinking out of a bucket and wouldn't drink. Then I tried to get her to eat so I got a handful of feed and she ate it all. So I got another hand full and she ate all of that. Then I kept doing that until she was full, so I got the bucket of water and she drank some of that. That whole day I would come back every 10 minutes and gave her water and food if she wanted it and about every so often we would take the loader and lift her back legs up so she could stand up. Sometimes while she was standing up we would put a tube down her esophagus to get some of the gas that was built up in her stomach. Every time that I would walk up to her she would pick her head up and sometimes I would sit next to her and she would lay her head on me just like a dog would. It was unbelievable! She lived through the night and the next day she didn't look good at all, and I did the same thing as I did the other day. Then at about 1 o'clock I came to water and feed her and she was died.:( I was sooooo devastated!!!! All of that work and she died. I felt like I failed, but I knew that I had done the best that I could to help her. Not only did I do all that I could, but my family did all that we could. We gave her food, water, medicine, comfort and lots of love. I never thought that I would make such a connection with this animal. My parents couldn't believe how much she trusted me. So I just wanted to share this story of an incredible thing that happened to me. I just don't know why she came into my life, but all I know is that I am so thankful that she came into my life. It made me think that It makes me feel really good when I help people (or animals) even if it is for a couple days or a lifetime. It is just too bad that she didn't stay long and now I know that she is in a better place now and not in pain.

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