Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quote of the Week

Sorry, late AGAIN!!!! Well, here is this weeks

The language of friendship is not words but meanings.  ~Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Quote of the Week

Wow, I am soooo behind sorry. Well, here is the quote of the week.

Memory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food.  ~Austin O'Malley

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Selling Candles and Greenery

Hey how are you doing! Thank you so much that you are checking out my blog it means a lot to me that what I am typing is being read. I just wanted to let you know that I am selling candles and greenery for Chester High School. The greenery comes out of of Minnesota and prices rang from $15.00 to $35.00. They will be delivered Thanksgiving weekend. I am also selling Scentsy Candles. They come in a Scentsy Bar, Scent circle, Travel Tin, Room Spray, Fragrance Foam, Scentcy warmers, and Plug in. They Scents rang from cafe scents to tropical scents. The good thing about the Scentcy Warmer are that you can stick your finger in the wax and it doesn't burn. The teacher can have them at school. And if you want to change the scent you just pour the wax back in the package and it hardens and you can burn it again. If you would like to learn more or buy one of the items just contact me. Thank You

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My New Project

This is my new project. It is a project for Science Class. I am researching and writing about Marie Curie. She is a famous lady scientist. She discovered radium. Well I have to write a speech, memorize it, make a poster, write a postcard, make a timeline, and find a costume that looks like her, and it is all due the 28. I got all of that done I just need a costume and i am good to go. So I hope I get an A. We will be preforming at parent/teacher conferences. My whole class will be lining the hallway. All you have to do is drop a quarter in the bucket and press the button and watch the show, but we don't know where all the money will go.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Combine Updates

Welcome to another addition of Combine Updates. We are officially done with beans and plucking away at corn. But we had a little mishap. Dad broke a belt on the combine and had to stop and come back to the house to fix it. He was not happy, but we started back up an now we are just chugging along. Everybody is helping out for example I am on supper duty tonight. And the new bin is almost up and running. I hope it will be up soon so we can start loading corn in it. And that concludes this addition of Combine Updates. So come back and find out what is going on. Signing off Kelsey

Marching in Sioux Valley

This was our last marching band contests (I think), and it was hot!!! It was a nice day to march. Thank goodness. There was nine bands there and we were the last. I think they were just saving the best for the last. I was so disappointed because so kids from another school were being very disrespectful. I just brushed it off because moments later we found out we got first. The good thing was they gave participation awards to the other schools that didn't win. So it was a good day after all, and we walked away with the first place trophy!!!

Quote of the Week

Sorry this is kinda late, but here it is.

Sometimes, perhaps, we are allowed to get lost that we may find the right person to ask directions of.  ~Robert Brault

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Combine Updates

We have now combined all of our wet corn and have moved on to beans. It's been (I think) a week or two since we started to combine. We are doing fantastic and we keep moving every day. I Hope we are done by Halloween, but we might not because it is suppose to rain this weekend!!! That is not a good thing. Then maybe we will be getting more wet corn then we wanted, oh no.

Tarping the Pile

BURRRR. It was cold tarping the pile, but we got it done. I was just Rich, Cody, Mom, Kaylor, Ethan, and me. Grandpa first started to drive to tractor, but Joel took over. It went very well. Dad was trying to fix the auger leading to the bin, turns out there was a clog. We didn't have to roll out the tarp, we just put the tires on the pile to keep the tarp from flying away. Overall it turned out OK.

Homecoming Marshals

Grandpa and Grandma were the homecoming marshals. They road on the new hopper that was decorated. To bad that I missed it. We got there too late, but we still got there in time to see the rest of the parade. It was LONG. Kaylor didn't like it because the kids in front of us kept getting the candy before she could. I liked it because I got to see all the floats the kids made, and it was pretty funny how some the kids dressed. hahaha. It was worth skipping school (like I wanted to be at school anyway).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quote of the Week

I like this one.
The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.  ~Benjamin Disraeli

Marching Festival

The Chester Area School held the Lake Area Marching Band Contest, and we couldn't have asked for a better day! It was fantastic. We had like 30 schools come not counting the one that didn't because of Homecoming. It was packed. OK this is how the day went. First, at the beginning of the school day, we went for a practice march, but it was cut short after the buses had to get through to get to the school. then we went to go change in to our uniforms, and we only had 20 minutes to do that. After we loaded up the bus to take us down to the post office to start the parade. Then we preformed and we rocked. I took about and hour for all the schools to pass and then we got back on the street and marched right back to the school were we hand out awards and ate. After that I got to get out early to go see Grandpa and Grandma in the parade, but you can read about that in my next post.