Friday, November 9, 2012

Quote of the Week

Holy cow!!!!! I just looked and I haven't posted in like 4 months!!! I feel so horrible!!!! Well since volleyball season is over know I can post more. Here is this weeks quote!!! Happy Veteran's Day!!!!
Freedom is never free. ~Author Unknown

Monday, July 9, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hello! How are you doing? I doing OK on posting now, and I am pretty proud of myself. Well wish us good luck on keeping our cattle cool and you all stay cool in this hot summer! Thanks for reading and SMILE!!
I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble. ~Rudyard Kipling

Staying Cool!

Hey everybody I hope your staying cool! I know that we are trying our best to keep our cattle cool. Now that planting season is over we have to focus on the cattle. We keep our cattle cool by putting beading down and wetting the bedding with cattle instead of directly spraying them with water which could put them in shock. We also check them periodically to prevent any cattle from overheating. If we see any that need help we take them and put them in shade, like we had a group of fat cattle and we had to move them to one of our barns during the hot days. We stay cool by swimming in our pool!! It is sooo much fun and I will have to post pictures later. Thanks for reading my blog and have a nice day! :)

People (even animals) come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime

You pry all know the phrase "people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime" well instead of a person it was an animal. It all started on the morning of the 4th of July (by the way happy belated 4th of July) when a cow caught the eye of my dad while he was feeding. A heifer was not getting up to eat, so my dad went in there to get her up and she wouldn't. When she would try to get up she would kick her legs straight behind her, and dad had to bring her up in the loader. While having breakfast dad told me that she needed some TLC and asked if I could work some "magic" on her to get her to stand up. I went to go see her and immediately I felt like I needed to do something to help her. She was breathing hard and was in a lot of pain. So I gave her some water in a bucket and she was not used to drinking out of a bucket and wouldn't drink. Then I tried to get her to eat so I got a handful of feed and she ate it all. So I got another hand full and she ate all of that. Then I kept doing that until she was full, so I got the bucket of water and she drank some of that. That whole day I would come back every 10 minutes and gave her water and food if she wanted it and about every so often we would take the loader and lift her back legs up so she could stand up. Sometimes while she was standing up we would put a tube down her esophagus to get some of the gas that was built up in her stomach. Every time that I would walk up to her she would pick her head up and sometimes I would sit next to her and she would lay her head on me just like a dog would. It was unbelievable! She lived through the night and the next day she didn't look good at all, and I did the same thing as I did the other day. Then at about 1 o'clock I came to water and feed her and she was died.:( I was sooooo devastated!!!! All of that work and she died. I felt like I failed, but I knew that I had done the best that I could to help her. Not only did I do all that I could, but my family did all that we could. We gave her food, water, medicine, comfort and lots of love. I never thought that I would make such a connection with this animal. My parents couldn't believe how much she trusted me. So I just wanted to share this story of an incredible thing that happened to me. I just don't know why she came into my life, but all I know is that I am so thankful that she came into my life. It made me think that It makes me feel really good when I help people (or animals) even if it is for a couple days or a lifetime. It is just too bad that she didn't stay long and now I know that she is in a better place now and not in pain.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Quote of the Week

I"M SOOOOOO SORRY!!! I just looked at my blog and the last time I posted was June 19!!!! Well Happy Belated 4th of July and hope nobody got hurt during the fireworks. Here is this weeks quote and have a great rest of your week!! :)
A tree never hits an automobile except in self defense. ~American Proverb

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hey sorry is has been WAY more than a week! This summer is flying by and it has been soooo busy. Here is this weeks quote and have a fun rest of your week.
The summer night is like a perfection of thought. ~Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hey guys...just hanging out in Fargo.
If there is one spot of sun spilling onto the floor, a cat will find it and soak it up. ~Jean Asper McIntosh

Friday, May 25, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hey Yal' how is it going? This week has been a less hecktic week with all the rain, but we have been doing alot of gardening. We got out of school a couple days ago and loving summer break (even though the weather dosen't make it seem like summer). Anyway here is this weeks quote, and have a stupendous rest of you week.
Live as you will wish to have lived when you are dying. ~Christian Furchtegott Gellert

Thursday, May 17, 2012


You all know that it is that time of year again. It is the second busiest season in the whole year, yes planting. We have been planting since April 11, and at the start everything was going great...too great. Then we had a serise of rain storms that pelted us for about 3 days. After that most of our fields were flooded, and we had to completely stop our planting cuz it was too wet. Now that we are having all of this beautiful weather we are up and running again. Now we have all of our corn done and now we are on to grandpa's corn. So wish us luck on the rest of our planting season.

Quote of the Week

Hey Y'all!!! How is everything? Sorry I haven't been posted lately. I have had a lot of end of the year projects, including algebra final, social studies project, debates and reading projects! By the way, I passed algebra, YAY! I will be taking geometry next year, and I can't wait. Anyway here is this weeks quote, have a great rest of the week and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else. ~James M. Barrie

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Quote of the Week

Sooooo how it everybody? I am great and loving all this nice weather! Here is this weeks quote and have a great rest of your week!!! :)
Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Quote of the Week

Sorry it is alittle early, but if I do get it done now it will never get done. It rained today so dad had to stop planting :( but on the bright side he acually gets some sleep tonight :) Happy May Day and have a great rest of your week!

Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer. ~Author Unknown

Track Meets!!!

K you know how like 3 of our last track meets where canceled. Ya know we are having track meets all the time!!! We just had a track meet yesterday (Chester's rescheduled meet) and it was BEAUTIFUL!!! It was sunny and barely and wind at all. But unfortunately the gorgeous weather didn't help me at all. Well know all know how i do hurdles and long jump, and I didn't even place in any of them. In hurdles I placed 8th and in long jump I placed like 12th, but on the bright side Ethan placed. He was in a relay and got 3rd, so that was great for him!!! Our next track meet is at Dells on Thursday, and all I can do is hope for no rain or wind!! Thanks again for reading my blog! :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Quote of the Week

Sorry I am a little late for this one. I have been busy for the past week with planting underway. Here is this weeks quote.
A good book has no ending. ~R.D. Cumming

Finally Our First Track Meet!

We just had our first track meet at Garretson on Thursday. Garretson had canceled their track meet a couple of weeks ago and decide to reschedule it for last Thursday. It was a decent day for a track meet, it was not very cold but not very hot. It was kinda windy but not very windy, and that was great for hurdles. Yes i did run hurdles and long jump just like last year, and I did good enough for our first track meet. Chester did very good for our first track meet also, we got first at the track meet. I placed in both of my events, getting 6th in long jump and 5th in hurdles. Our next track meet is also a rescheduled track meet at Chester on Monday. Wish me luck!!:)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

No Track Meets?

Yup that is right we have had 0 out of the 3 we were suppose to have this year! April 12 Siouxvalley was suppose to have a track meet but it was raining and cold. So they canceled, but it was alright with me because I didn't want to have to long jump in those wet pits! The same thing happen to our track meet that was suppose to be last Monday, and the Garretson track meet that was suppose to be Thursday. I really hate having to pack lots of stuff for a track meet and then end up not having any. Now our next track meet isn't till the 30th so that will give us a lot of time to practice. It just seems to rain every time we try to have a track meet. So my dad always asks us when our next track meet is so he will know when it is going to rain next :). Personally, I just think that our track meets are cursed, but I hope that we will at least get one nice day for a track meet. Thanks for reading my blog and have a great day! :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quote of the Week

We have had three track meets canceled already!! Well we don't have another track meet for a week and I am just going to cross my fingers for this one! :) Have a great rest of your week and here is this weeks quote.
Close your eyes and see the beauty. ~Author Unknown

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hey everybody hows life?! I hope you all had a fun and safe weekend. I had a great weekend, but I wish that school didn't come so soon. Anyway here is this weeks quote have a great rest of your week.
I am thankful for laughter,except when milk comes out of my nose ~Woody Allen

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Break

Hey everyone what is going on! I hope that everyone had a great easter break! I did, and this is how it all went down. Friday was the first day of our break. That day just hung out and that night we died Easter eggs. Saturday we cleaned, and I hide the Easter eggs we died in the yard and ethan and kaylor had to find them. Sunday was Easter and we ate a big breakfast and that night we went to my grandma and grandpa's house to see my new cousin Eli. Sunday night the Krush gang came and stayed at our house. Monday morning we had another big breakfast again! Our visitors stayed for a bit then had to head back to Fargo:( I would just like to thank them for choosing The Geraets Inn as your home away from home. That is the end of my spring break and school starts again :(

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Quote of the Week

Sorry!!!! I am so disapointed in myself for not posting in a while! Here is this weeks quote of the week and have a great Easter weekend! :)
Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. ~S.D. Gordon

Friday, March 23, 2012

Quote of Week

Sorry I was a little late on this week's quote! Here is this weeks quote and enjoy the rest of week! :)
Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn. ~Quoted by Lewis Grizzard in Kathy Sue Loudermilk, I Love You

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cheer Already!

Yes I know what your thinking cheer doesn't start till next year, but not for us. We already had cheer tryouts for next year, and I tried out for both football and basketball cheer! Well with 12 girls trying out I thought that I would have no chance making it! Oh boy was I wrong! I made both basketball and football cheer! I am so excited and cannot wait to get started with my cheerleading duties. We will have fundraisers to raise money for new uniform, and get things ready for next year. I am sooooo excited!!! Thanks again for reading my blog, and have a great rest of your week. I know I will!!!

Spring Break!

Well this year spring break is a week late for Chester. Wednesday was the first day of spring break, and we would get the rest of the week off. YAY!!! We have spent most of our break outside working on getting things ready for spring. We get the ponies out, we play in the warm sun, and we help dad! We stay outside until dark, literally we don't usually eat dinner until 8:00. So our break is well spent, and I will enjoy the rest of my break!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hello people with computers!! Thanks soooo much for reading my blog! Here is this weeks quote! Have a great rest of your week!
St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. ~Adrienne Cook

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hey guys!!! I am sooo proud of myself for keeping up with posting! Here is this weeks quote of the week. I hope you all are enjoying this beautiful weather, and have a great rest of the week!

By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturdays on the Farm

Hey everybody! How’s it going? I hope you all are well. Yesterday was just like any other Saturday on the farm, and I would like to share with you what we did yesterday! The day started out usual we have to eat breakfast quick and then head outside to see what we were going to do that day. We found out that we had to bed the cattle, and then eat lunch, and then we would work cattle. We usually bed cattle on Saturdays so this wasn't a surprise, besides we only had to bed 3 of the 6 pens because they had bedded some of the pens on Friday. Then while we were bedding we noticed that Cody had ditched the sweet water truck and was driving the Manito fast down to the outside pens. Before we knew it dad had also disappeared, then we knew something was going on. Joel had stopped the tractor and ran to see what was going on. He came back and we resumed bedding cattle. Turns out a heifer had fallen upside down into one of the sweet water tanks!!! SCARY!! Yes the heifer survived, thanks to Cody. After we were done bedding we headed inside for lunch, because of course everyone has to eat lunch! Then after lunch we headed back outside to work cattle. We had 500 head to work, but thankfully they had worked half of them Friday. First we had to work some sick ones that needed a re-treat, then after that we brought in the cattle. We take about 7-10 head at a time, and we take them into what we call a "tub". Which is a round pen, and we push them one by one in a little corridor which is hooked to the chute. The corridor fits about 3 cows, and makes them stand single file so we can pour them with lice repellent. Pouring the pour-on is my job, usually. Then one by one they enter the chute to get whatever they need. In this case, they need three shot. Ouch! Then they are released and that is repeated until every one of the cows is done. Then we usually bring them down to the pen, but in this case there pen was not cleaned out yet so we kept them up there. Oh yea, I didn't mention that we had a couple of bulls that needed a little treatment of their own. GROSS! That usually concludes a usual Saturday at the farm. I would like to thank all of my readers for reading my post, I really do appreciate that! Have a great rest of your week.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Chester Middle School Presents: Goldilocks on Trial

This year the Chester Middle School Present Goldilocks on Trial. Yes you know that old bed time story about the girl that was found in the bears house. Well now she is being sued for it! I played Goldilocks lawyer Ms. Wombat, and Ethan was Papa Bear. We performed the play on Thursday March 1 to Pre-k through the 8th grade. the play was very funny and was for young kids as well as adults. Here are some pictures of the play.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Quote of the Week

Ok I am very proud of how good I am keeping up on posting on my blog! Here is this weeks quote. Have a great rest of the week!
All art requires courage. ~Anne Tucker

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hey everybody I just wanted to let you know that the snow that didn't come at Christmas day is here now! The only problem is that we don't want it now! Today we got about 4 inches and we were hoping that school would be two hours early or be closed but that didn't happen. Instead we got out at 1:00 and had the rest of the day to do what ever we wanted. That was OK because we still called it a day of school so we don't have to make it up at the end of the year. I couldn't believe that just yesterday I went outside in a light jacket and know I can hardly get out the door with all the snow! I can't complain because this our first really big snow storm and it's the end of February! Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you are staying safe in this weird winter!


Quote of the Week

Hello, friends and family. Now I am on schedule! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad. ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hey! I am now back on track! Oh and Happy Valentines Day! I hope that your day was as great as mine!
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Singing ain't just for the Birds!

Hey yall! Today we got the privilege to perform at the beautiful Performing Arts Center at SDSU. In May of last year we sent in an audition tape to sing at the Band Masters Convention in Brookings. We were accepted as one of the only middle school choir and the one of the four choirs that got to perform. We had to memorize 5 songs, and we started practicing in December. The vend we performed at was beautiful and HUGE!! We were sooooo nervous and excited to be there, and we had a nice experience. After we were done singing we went to McDonalds to eat. I loved the experience because a lot of kids will go through life never getting to experience this awesome moment that I will never forget. That is why I am very fortunate of this performance. I would like to thank SDSU for having us and choosing us, and my amazing choir instructor for her hard work. She has had the patience to deal with us! Thanks sooo much!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Quote of the Week

Hey hey hey! long time no talk. Sorry about the long wait now I actually have time to post because things are starting to slow down. Well here in my first quote of the year!
For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
~Rosemonde Gerard