Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Hey guys and gals love to hear from you when you comment. I live to get feedback on what I am typing about. So here is what I did for Thanksgiving Weekend. On Wednesday we still had school, but we still had to get ready for the family to come over like cover the carpet with plastic, clean the bathrooms and start to get some stuff ready to cook. Then on Thursday my mom got up early to get the turkey in the oven to start to cook. The rest of us got up around 8:00 to shower and get ready. Then we all helped to start to get things cooking and boiling. Then when people started arriving we started to carve the turkey and get stuff ready to serve. Boy was it delicious and tasty. Everything was good and I was stuffed after to have any pie or dessert. Later that night I had some so I got my fill of dessert. I hope that your Thanksgiving was as great as mine and I hope you are as grateful to have such a great family to share that with. I give thanks to all my readers of my blog.

Ouote of the Week

Now I am on time this week! Yippee! Here is this weeks quote of the week.

So once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In thankfulness of heart.
~Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving

Friday, November 26, 2010

Megan's Wedding

OMG!!!! Megan's wedding was awesome!!! I loved the wedding. The dancing, the food, the ceremony, her dress, and the cake! I had a great time dancing and talking to everyone. I love seeing the Voss' and the Krush's at the wedding. Gerin just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I have put some pics of us with Gerin. Thank you so much to invite us and welcoming us in to the family. Again thanks and we all had a nice time! Oh yeah I got to dance with my favorite dance partner, Gary!


Quote of the Week

Sorry, I think that I did not post one last week. I promise that I will try to catch up with my posting. Here is this weeks.

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons.  ~Author Unknown

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hockey Game

Go Stampede, Go Stampede!!!! Oh yes we went to a stampede hockey game. Now I bet you are wondering what is Kelsey doing at a hockey game. My science group at school won the tickets. It was me, my mom and my group. It was a good game. The first period the stampede was down by 1, but came back hard getting 2 points, and the last one now one scored. The game was packed full of crashing into each other, close calls, yelling, fighting, cheering, singing and dancing, and lots and lots of of slamming into the wall. Wow it was sooo cool. Stampede was great and they rocked!! They best thing is that afterward Matt Tabrum(forward) and Stephon Williams(goalie) were signing autographs. So we left early the get in line and then we missed the big fight at the end. My mom told me the referees couldn't break it up. Other than that it was a great game and I loved going to it.

Veteran's Day Program

The Chester Area School had a Veteran's Day program. It was really cool. When it started the band played the national anthem, and they did very well. Then we sang. It was just the middle school girls choir, and we had to wear robes like the high schoolers wear. Then the principle spoke and then introduced the veteran's. Then they had a moment of silence when all the veterans held a candle that was lit and the lights were all off. Then some girls from the band played Taps on their trumpets. It was really cool. Then they had all the veterans eat a free lunch and see all the artwork that the elementary had done.  

Kaylor's Birthday

Hello there. I will now tell you what we did on Kaylor's Birthday. The day started off early because Kaylor woak up at 6:30 A.M., but we didn't get here breakfast in bed untill like 11o'clock. I had to stay in her bed until she was done becouse she didn't want to eat alone. Then we hung around for awhile, and by that time it was about 1o'clock. So we started to get ready to go bowling and go eat at the Hartford Steakhouse (we had to eat last because we all had school in the morning.) Kaylor got to invite a girl from her class to go with us. It was soo much fun bowling, eating, and hanging out with some of our family and friends. Kaylor had lots of fun as we all did.

Quote of the Week

I would like to thank you all for reading my blog and commenting on it. It really makes me feel good. Well, any way here is this weeks.

For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together.  For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad.  ~Edwin Way Teale

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Hey there! Happy Belated Halloween! Well here is how the weekend went. Thursday we had conferences and my science thing (read more about that in the article Marie Curie Project.) Friday we hung around oh and cleaned house. Saturday was a fun day. We had some friends came over and carve pumpkins. On of the pumpkins we had was a "plumber-crack" pumpkin. Sunday was Halloween and it was a fun on! Ethan was Elvis, Kaylor was a witch, and I was a lady bug. We went to Crooks to trick-or-treat with some friends and some family. We played a great trick on my cousin, Cadyn, and Ethan. Them and Amyah, my cousin, and Kaylor went down another street while Ava, my cousin, and I were hitting other houses and the parents were talking. Anyway the boys had missed a couple houses that the girls did not. When  the girls came back we each gave them a dollar, and when the boys came back the girls told them that the house they missed was giving out dollar bills. THEY BOUGHT IT! They thought that if they hurried up they could still get there in time to get a dollar too, and all they got was a grumpy old man and one piece of candy. Then we told them they were mad. We went back to our friend's house and just hung out, but not for long it was a school night and we couldn't stay out long or we would be crabby in the morning. I hope your Halloween was as great and scary as mine!!!

Combine Updates

This is sadly my last broadcast of combine updates. We are done with combining as of yesterday. It has been so weird not having to make supper for the guys, but now the rush of tilling and manure spreading has begun. I hope you are as disappointed that I will not be acting like a blog broadcaster, or maybe you are glad because you are probably think can this girl quit saying all these corny jokes. Oops, I just made another get it combining-corn. HAHAHA. For the last time this is Kelsey signing off. Good Day and Good Night. :-(

Quote of the Week

Now I am back on track. Here is this weeks.

An apology is a good way to have the last word.  ~Author Unknown

The Marie Curie Project

Hey guys whatz up??? I am soooo glad that you are reading my blog!!! THANKS SOOO MUCH!!! Well I just got back from doing my Marie Curie project and it went more than great. Yesterday I had to present my project to Mr. O. I got a 30 out of 30, but it was soo different preforming the project to other people. All the people that went to mine said I did a really good job on it. I hope I get a good grade on it!!! Well here is a picture of what I looked. My mom put my bangs back so I look really.... weird. Some people said that I looked cute, but it felt different without my bangs. Yes we had to ware make-up, and I did not like it.