Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kaylor's Birthday

Hello there. I will now tell you what we did on Kaylor's Birthday. The day started off early because Kaylor woak up at 6:30 A.M., but we didn't get here breakfast in bed untill like 11o'clock. I had to stay in her bed until she was done becouse she didn't want to eat alone. Then we hung around for awhile, and by that time it was about 1o'clock. So we started to get ready to go bowling and go eat at the Hartford Steakhouse (we had to eat last because we all had school in the morning.) Kaylor got to invite a girl from her class to go with us. It was soo much fun bowling, eating, and hanging out with some of our family and friends. Kaylor had lots of fun as we all did.

1 comment:

  1. Did Kaylor share any of her breakfast with you since you were kind enough to wait with her? Hopefully you got to enjoy some french toast too! :)
