Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our First Game

Hi guys! Merry (almost) Christmas! I just wanted to tell you how our first game, but for the first time it was a tournament! It was in Parker. I am going to tell it straight. We got our butts kicked and lost the first game of the 4 we had to play, but we were just warming up.  Well I have to admit not all of us stunk a couple of my teammates really played some good ball. Well maybe we weren't exactly as warmed us we wanted to be because we lost the second game, and one of my teammates got injured in the process. Then we had a big break so my mom and I went to get subs at Jones. That was way better than the walking tacos that they were selling at the concessions. That was what most of my team was eating, but i just wanted a sub. Then we rocked and won the third game, but one of my team mates was not there to play after the she got hurt in the second game. The last game we lost, but we were all tired and ready to go home. That is how our first game went.

Quote of the Week

Sorry this week was a hecktic week!!! Here is this weeks!

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.  ~Norman Vincent Peale

Cheerleading Has Some New Members

Hey guys! I have made the cheerleading squad! Yes, I am a cheerleader and loving it. We just got our uniforms and they look cute and we have learned a bazillion cheers (well maybe not a bazillion, but a lot.) We are ready for our first game and I don't even know when that is! What I do know is that we are all excited to cheer on the Chester Flyer Basketball Team. I can hardly wait!!!

Quote of the Week

Hope you guys are all well and  great. 'Cause I am!!! Here is this week quote of the week. Look at this quote it is awesome!!

All the really good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow.  ~Grant Wood

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Hey guys and gals love to hear from you when you comment. I live to get feedback on what I am typing about. So here is what I did for Thanksgiving Weekend. On Wednesday we still had school, but we still had to get ready for the family to come over like cover the carpet with plastic, clean the bathrooms and start to get some stuff ready to cook. Then on Thursday my mom got up early to get the turkey in the oven to start to cook. The rest of us got up around 8:00 to shower and get ready. Then we all helped to start to get things cooking and boiling. Then when people started arriving we started to carve the turkey and get stuff ready to serve. Boy was it delicious and tasty. Everything was good and I was stuffed after to have any pie or dessert. Later that night I had some so I got my fill of dessert. I hope that your Thanksgiving was as great as mine and I hope you are as grateful to have such a great family to share that with. I give thanks to all my readers of my blog.

Ouote of the Week

Now I am on time this week! Yippee! Here is this weeks quote of the week.

So once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In thankfulness of heart.
~Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving

Friday, November 26, 2010

Megan's Wedding

OMG!!!! Megan's wedding was awesome!!! I loved the wedding. The dancing, the food, the ceremony, her dress, and the cake! I had a great time dancing and talking to everyone. I love seeing the Voss' and the Krush's at the wedding. Gerin just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I have put some pics of us with Gerin. Thank you so much to invite us and welcoming us in to the family. Again thanks and we all had a nice time! Oh yeah I got to dance with my favorite dance partner, Gary!


Quote of the Week

Sorry, I think that I did not post one last week. I promise that I will try to catch up with my posting. Here is this weeks.

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons.  ~Author Unknown

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hockey Game

Go Stampede, Go Stampede!!!! Oh yes we went to a stampede hockey game. Now I bet you are wondering what is Kelsey doing at a hockey game. My science group at school won the tickets. It was me, my mom and my group. It was a good game. The first period the stampede was down by 1, but came back hard getting 2 points, and the last one now one scored. The game was packed full of crashing into each other, close calls, yelling, fighting, cheering, singing and dancing, and lots and lots of of slamming into the wall. Wow it was sooo cool. Stampede was great and they rocked!! They best thing is that afterward Matt Tabrum(forward) and Stephon Williams(goalie) were signing autographs. So we left early the get in line and then we missed the big fight at the end. My mom told me the referees couldn't break it up. Other than that it was a great game and I loved going to it.

Veteran's Day Program

The Chester Area School had a Veteran's Day program. It was really cool. When it started the band played the national anthem, and they did very well. Then we sang. It was just the middle school girls choir, and we had to wear robes like the high schoolers wear. Then the principle spoke and then introduced the veteran's. Then they had a moment of silence when all the veterans held a candle that was lit and the lights were all off. Then some girls from the band played Taps on their trumpets. It was really cool. Then they had all the veterans eat a free lunch and see all the artwork that the elementary had done.  

Kaylor's Birthday

Hello there. I will now tell you what we did on Kaylor's Birthday. The day started off early because Kaylor woak up at 6:30 A.M., but we didn't get here breakfast in bed untill like 11o'clock. I had to stay in her bed until she was done becouse she didn't want to eat alone. Then we hung around for awhile, and by that time it was about 1o'clock. So we started to get ready to go bowling and go eat at the Hartford Steakhouse (we had to eat last because we all had school in the morning.) Kaylor got to invite a girl from her class to go with us. It was soo much fun bowling, eating, and hanging out with some of our family and friends. Kaylor had lots of fun as we all did.

Quote of the Week

I would like to thank you all for reading my blog and commenting on it. It really makes me feel good. Well, any way here is this weeks.

For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together.  For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad.  ~Edwin Way Teale

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Hey there! Happy Belated Halloween! Well here is how the weekend went. Thursday we had conferences and my science thing (read more about that in the article Marie Curie Project.) Friday we hung around oh and cleaned house. Saturday was a fun day. We had some friends came over and carve pumpkins. On of the pumpkins we had was a "plumber-crack" pumpkin. Sunday was Halloween and it was a fun on! Ethan was Elvis, Kaylor was a witch, and I was a lady bug. We went to Crooks to trick-or-treat with some friends and some family. We played a great trick on my cousin, Cadyn, and Ethan. Them and Amyah, my cousin, and Kaylor went down another street while Ava, my cousin, and I were hitting other houses and the parents were talking. Anyway the boys had missed a couple houses that the girls did not. When  the girls came back we each gave them a dollar, and when the boys came back the girls told them that the house they missed was giving out dollar bills. THEY BOUGHT IT! They thought that if they hurried up they could still get there in time to get a dollar too, and all they got was a grumpy old man and one piece of candy. Then we told them they were mad. We went back to our friend's house and just hung out, but not for long it was a school night and we couldn't stay out long or we would be crabby in the morning. I hope your Halloween was as great and scary as mine!!!

Combine Updates

This is sadly my last broadcast of combine updates. We are done with combining as of yesterday. It has been so weird not having to make supper for the guys, but now the rush of tilling and manure spreading has begun. I hope you are as disappointed that I will not be acting like a blog broadcaster, or maybe you are glad because you are probably think can this girl quit saying all these corny jokes. Oops, I just made another get it combining-corn. HAHAHA. For the last time this is Kelsey signing off. Good Day and Good Night. :-(

Quote of the Week

Now I am back on track. Here is this weeks.

An apology is a good way to have the last word.  ~Author Unknown

The Marie Curie Project

Hey guys whatz up??? I am soooo glad that you are reading my blog!!! THANKS SOOO MUCH!!! Well I just got back from doing my Marie Curie project and it went more than great. Yesterday I had to present my project to Mr. O. I got a 30 out of 30, but it was soo different preforming the project to other people. All the people that went to mine said I did a really good job on it. I hope I get a good grade on it!!! Well here is a picture of what I looked. My mom put my bangs back so I look really.... weird. Some people said that I looked cute, but it felt different without my bangs. Yes we had to ware make-up, and I did not like it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quote of the Week

Sorry, late AGAIN!!!! Well, here is this weeks

The language of friendship is not words but meanings.  ~Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Quote of the Week

Wow, I am soooo behind sorry. Well, here is the quote of the week.

Memory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food.  ~Austin O'Malley

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Selling Candles and Greenery

Hey how are you doing! Thank you so much that you are checking out my blog it means a lot to me that what I am typing is being read. I just wanted to let you know that I am selling candles and greenery for Chester High School. The greenery comes out of of Minnesota and prices rang from $15.00 to $35.00. They will be delivered Thanksgiving weekend. I am also selling Scentsy Candles. They come in a Scentsy Bar, Scent circle, Travel Tin, Room Spray, Fragrance Foam, Scentcy warmers, and Plug in. They Scents rang from cafe scents to tropical scents. The good thing about the Scentcy Warmer are that you can stick your finger in the wax and it doesn't burn. The teacher can have them at school. And if you want to change the scent you just pour the wax back in the package and it hardens and you can burn it again. If you would like to learn more or buy one of the items just contact me. Thank You

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My New Project

This is my new project. It is a project for Science Class. I am researching and writing about Marie Curie. She is a famous lady scientist. She discovered radium. Well I have to write a speech, memorize it, make a poster, write a postcard, make a timeline, and find a costume that looks like her, and it is all due the 28. I got all of that done I just need a costume and i am good to go. So I hope I get an A. We will be preforming at parent/teacher conferences. My whole class will be lining the hallway. All you have to do is drop a quarter in the bucket and press the button and watch the show, but we don't know where all the money will go.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Combine Updates

Welcome to another addition of Combine Updates. We are officially done with beans and plucking away at corn. But we had a little mishap. Dad broke a belt on the combine and had to stop and come back to the house to fix it. He was not happy, but we started back up an now we are just chugging along. Everybody is helping out for example I am on supper duty tonight. And the new bin is almost up and running. I hope it will be up soon so we can start loading corn in it. And that concludes this addition of Combine Updates. So come back and find out what is going on. Signing off Kelsey

Marching in Sioux Valley

This was our last marching band contests (I think), and it was hot!!! It was a nice day to march. Thank goodness. There was nine bands there and we were the last. I think they were just saving the best for the last. I was so disappointed because so kids from another school were being very disrespectful. I just brushed it off because moments later we found out we got first. The good thing was they gave participation awards to the other schools that didn't win. So it was a good day after all, and we walked away with the first place trophy!!!

Quote of the Week

Sorry this is kinda late, but here it is.

Sometimes, perhaps, we are allowed to get lost that we may find the right person to ask directions of.  ~Robert Brault

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Combine Updates

We have now combined all of our wet corn and have moved on to beans. It's been (I think) a week or two since we started to combine. We are doing fantastic and we keep moving every day. I Hope we are done by Halloween, but we might not because it is suppose to rain this weekend!!! That is not a good thing. Then maybe we will be getting more wet corn then we wanted, oh no.

Tarping the Pile

BURRRR. It was cold tarping the pile, but we got it done. I was just Rich, Cody, Mom, Kaylor, Ethan, and me. Grandpa first started to drive to tractor, but Joel took over. It went very well. Dad was trying to fix the auger leading to the bin, turns out there was a clog. We didn't have to roll out the tarp, we just put the tires on the pile to keep the tarp from flying away. Overall it turned out OK.

Homecoming Marshals

Grandpa and Grandma were the homecoming marshals. They road on the new hopper that was decorated. To bad that I missed it. We got there too late, but we still got there in time to see the rest of the parade. It was LONG. Kaylor didn't like it because the kids in front of us kept getting the candy before she could. I liked it because I got to see all the floats the kids made, and it was pretty funny how some the kids dressed. hahaha. It was worth skipping school (like I wanted to be at school anyway).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quote of the Week

I like this one.
The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.  ~Benjamin Disraeli

Marching Festival

The Chester Area School held the Lake Area Marching Band Contest, and we couldn't have asked for a better day! It was fantastic. We had like 30 schools come not counting the one that didn't because of Homecoming. It was packed. OK this is how the day went. First, at the beginning of the school day, we went for a practice march, but it was cut short after the buses had to get through to get to the school. then we went to go change in to our uniforms, and we only had 20 minutes to do that. After we loaded up the bus to take us down to the post office to start the parade. Then we preformed and we rocked. I took about and hour for all the schools to pass and then we got back on the street and marched right back to the school were we hand out awards and ate. After that I got to get out early to go see Grandpa and Grandma in the parade, but you can read about that in my next post.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Grand Day for Marching

Well, we marched again yesterday and it was BEAUTIFUL. We marched a mile for the DSU parade and I think we did really good. We also got a lot of praise like from Kaylor and Ethan they thought we did fantastic. I think they also liked the parade because they threw candy. Boy, where my arms tired after that parade, and this time we wore our uniforms. We were still hot though. After that we all just wanted to go home and take a nap. But when I got home instead of taking a nap I got awarded with cleaning out the garage. And everyone pitched in.

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring

You all know that old song the goes It's Raining, It's Pouring the Old Man is Snoring. Yeah well that is how the rain was when we where marching Thursday. We didn't want to ruin our uniforms so we wore a band shirt and jeans because we thought we were going to march in the gym in Arlington, but instead we march outside. First thing, we wanted to march outside because it was only sprinkling when they told us we were marching outside. Second at about the middle of the parade it started pouring. So there was 150 soaking wet kids in their gym trying to warm up. Oh and I was soaked, but the food was good and we placed 3rd in our ranking. We were only 13 points away from first, and one of the Judges placed us first!!!!! I have to do it again tomorrow in Madison. Wish me luck.

Turkey Dinner, Turkey Dinner

The Turkey dinner this year was a fun one. All the cousins where there and Grandpa was nice enough to buy the grand kids all rings for the ring toss. The games included ring toss, fishpond, the cake walk, the cupcake stroll and bingo. And on bingo I won six bucks on my first game, but I stunk at the rest of the games that I played.The food was OK, but it could have been better. It was quite a big turn out and I hope the next ones are too.

Baby Gerin is Welcomed

My new cousin Gerin just got Baptized. She is also soooo cute. She just kept crying the whole time. Which was fine but it was funny. So when they poured holy water on her head she did stop crying for a little bit. The godparents are My Mom and Dad. And My Aunt and Uncle. Then we went to my grandparents house to hang out with my family. I hope you guys had a great time Joan and Mike!!!!!        P.S. and Gerin (sorry I am so used to just Joan and Mike.)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another Fun Night At the Andersons

Thanks Andersons for letting Ethan and I hang out before the football game. We had a lot of fun. Playing volleyball was a blast. I know Ethan had fun hanging out with Cole. So thanks again and I hope I can come over again sometime soon.

Flyers Cream Freemen 56-8

The football game last night end 56-8 with the Flyers wining our homecoming game. For the longest time the score was 48-0, but we both got another touchdown before the game ended. As my friends and I watched from the stands we could clearly see the the team was on the toes and ready to win our game for us, and the cheerleaders where doing a great job cheering on the team. Good job guys and GO FLYERS!!!!!

Kelsey's Blog has finally Started

This is the day I have been waiting for..... the day I get my blog. I am Kelsey. I am your typical farm girl, loves to work cattle and loves to get dirty. I live on a farm in South Dakota. My hobbies are dance, basketball, bedding and working cattle, riding horse, and writing to all my friends and family. My family consists of five people. My mom Katti, my dad David, my younger brother Ethan, and my younger sister Kaylor.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Your Looking at the New Banner Carrier

Yup that's right I am one of the new Chester Area School Banner Carriers. Along with Kacey, I will be marching down the streets of Chester carrying the banner at the end of September. I tried out one week ago and made it. Kacey and I just got our outfit just a couple of hours ago, after school. Our outfits consist of boots with tassels, long skirts, a jacket, an ascot, and a hat with a white feather on it. And the best part is we get to practice with the marching band, but we have to do the homework for that class.I am soooooo excited.

Homecoming Week is Here

Homecoming Week is this week at Chester Area School and this is a crazy week. Monday was Pajama Day and that was a comfortable day,but I just woke up and put a new pair of PJ's on. Yesterday was Hick/Nerd Day and it was a good day. Dressing up in cowboy boots and a hat was so fun. I included a picture of what I looked like on that day. Yesterday night the high schoolers White Washed and they were all tired the next day. Today was grub day and it was also sucker day which it when the cheerleaders hand out suckers for 25 cents.Thursday is class theme day and our theme is Twin Day. My twin is my friend Justice. Friday is Red & White Day which we dress up in red and white to the football team for their game that night against Freemen.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Harvest Hurries

Harvest is almost here! My dad and the cousins just started chopping last night and got done with silage. Now we have to wait a little bit to chop earlage. Then we start combining corn and then beans! Then it will be winter by the time that's all done, oops. I am not supposed to talk about winter until we are done combining. Dad won't let Kaylor give Mom a Halloween bracelet until it is almost Halloween.